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Revision rhinoplasty in Charlotte, NC

Revision rhinoplasty in Charlotte, NC

What is revision rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty is a second surgery performed for patients who are probably not happy with their first initial result. This may be a result of excess cartilage and bone being removed during the first surgery. As a result, the nose may become distorted, and misshapen, and can compromise breathing functionality. Here are some of the reasons why a patient may consider a revision rhinoplasty:


Your nose doesn’t function properly

If your first surgery doesn’t heal properly, you may be experiencing difficulty breathing. This problem can affect your ability to do exercise or sleep. If you want your nose to function correctly and look good at the same time, then you should consider revision rhinoplasty. Your surgeon will focus on how to improve your nose functionality while attending to the appearance of the nose.


Your nose doesn’t fit with your face

Skills and training among surgeons are not the same. Some surgeon doesn’t specialize in nose job, and if you visit any of them for your primary rhinoplasty, your new nose may not fit your face. Luckily, Dr. Freeman has the experience and skill to perform a successful nose job for you. A successful rhinoplasty should be proportional to your facial features. It should blend perfectly but also stands out as its unique feature.


Your nose needs a touch-up

Nose job usually takes a while to heal completely, and it can be difficult to know how the final result will look like. When the healing process is complete, some patient may like to add changes or make an adjustment. Often, most patients are happy about their initial rhinoplast but will still want to add a few touches or improve nose functionality. This is another valid reason why some patients may consider revision rhinoplasty.


Your nose has experienced new trauma or injury

A patient may require revision rhinoplasty if he or she gets injured or experience a new trauma. The tissues and cartilage are fragile, which makes them weak and can become distorted due to new injuries. If you do get injured, a revision rhinoplasty can help fix it. It is important to find an experienced Charlotte surgeon for your primary rhinoplasty and revision.


Revision rhinoplasty in Charlotte North Carolina

Surgeons are not perfect. However, choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon for your primary and revision nose job will decrease any chance of complications. Revision rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging cosmetic plastic surgery in North Carolina and must be performed by Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplast surgeon. Thankfully, Dr. Freeman has performed thousands of successful revision rhinoplasty for both women and men using his extensive knowledge and years of experience.


If you are considering a revision rhinoplastyContact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplast surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon to find which the best procedure for you is, and how to proceed.