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Rhinoplasty surgery, recovery, and specialist in Charlotte, NC

Rhinoplasty surgery, recovery, and specialist in Charlotte, NC

Rhinoplasty Overview

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure offered by an expert facial plastic surgeon in Charlotte, NC. While rhinoplasty can improve the function of the nose, cosmetic rhinoplasty only concerns its form and shape. Within the field of rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty is for patients who are seeking to improve upon a previous procedure, and teen rhinoplasty is for individuals in their teen years. Patients can be as young as 14 years, though full nose development is necessary.



The first step of rhinoplasty is to have your surgeon evaluate your nose. They will examine the inner and outer structure and skin of your nose to ensure it is operable, and also consult with you about any previous surgeries, your aesthetic goals, the cost, and take before photos for later comparison. If you decide to procedure with surgery, it will likely not be covered by your insurance, as it is cosmetic. Because general anesthesia is involved, you will also be responsible for a fee to the medical center, in addition to the surgeon.


Your surgeon’s office can discuss all of this with you beforehand, and also provide instructions for any steps you must take in the days leading up to surgery, which can include lab work, fasting, and securing a friend or family member to drive you home afterward as the anesthesia wears off. Surgery is performed at the Center for Facial Plastic and Laser Surgery, a state-of-the-art medical facility in Charlotte, NC. Surgery typically takes a couple of hours. Awakening from anesthesia takes approximately one hour, after which point you can head home. You may have sutures, depending on the procedure used, but probably not nasal packing. Recovery takes 7 to 10 days, with moderate bruising, numb skin, and swelling. Minor swelling and temporary numbness can persist for weeks or months.


The Nose

There are various techniques used to alter the shape and size of the nose, and your Charlotte, NC surgeon is an expert in all of them. A nose job can either be open or closed. In a closed procedure, the cartilage or bone in the bridge of the nose can be decreased, increased, or reshaped. In an open procedure, the tip of the nose and nostrils can also be reshaped. If the cartilage is needed for any part of the procedure, it can be harvested from the back of the ear with a nose visible blemish. Sutures may be along the edges of the nostrils or on the skin between the nostrils.


Dr. Freeman

Dr. M. Sean Freeman is Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty specialist. He has been performing plastic surgery for nearly three decades and is certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology. Dr. Freeman is committed to excellence and patient satisfaction.

Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only FacesCharlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.