Many people want rhinoplasty

Many people want rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty a popular form of nose job cosmetic surgery

Hardly a week goes by without a story surfacing in the news of some new rumor out of Hollywood, in which a woman already generally agreed to be one of the most beautiful on the planet is said to have just had a nose job. Indeed, rhinoplasty is the most popular form of facial plastic surgery after eyelid surgery. Among the reasons for a nose job are to reduce a nasal hump, alter the size and orientation of the tip of the nose or repair a deviated septum — the part of the nose between the nostrils, damage to which results in the familiar appearance of the broken nose and can also cause breathing problems.


Nose job Charlotte

To alter the shape of the nose, the surgeon changes the configuration of the cartilage and bone under the skin. In order to shape a nose that does not look like it has been operated on at all, the surgeon usually puts the incisions of rhinoplasty inside the nose, where no one can see them. Doctors call this a closed rhinoplasty. Every once in a while, an incision is needed in the skin on the outside of the nose. This is called an open rhinoplasty, and the incision is usually performed in the skin between the nostrils.


After surgery, there will usually be swelling in the nose, along with some bruising. The bruising will fade within a week to ten days, while the swelling can last for several weeks. At this point, you will be able to see exactly what your new nose looks like. If you are not satisfied, it is possible to perform a rhinoplasty to improve the results of a previous nose job. This is called a revision rhinoplasty. If you are considering this, you should wait for at least one year after the first rhinoplasty. To be sure of getting the best results the first time, look for a surgeon with a gallery of before and after rhinoplasty photographs on his or her Web site.


Charlottes best rhinoplasty surgeon

A good rhinoplasty surgeon can give your nose a thorough examination and figure out the best way to perform the surgery. With the help of computer imaging, the surgeon can show you various possible outcomes of the surgery, allowing you to describe precisely the results you want from the operation. Look for a surgeon with a state-of-the-art suite for operations.


Dr. M. Sean Freeman is Charlotte’s top rhinoplasty surgeon. He has been certified by two different surgery boards. He has done only facial plastic surgery, including nose jobs, since 1988. Many of his patients have already gotten nose jobs from other surgeons and come to him for revision rhinoplasty to make them better. If you live in or near Charlotte and want a nose job, schedule your appointment or online consultation today.

Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only FacesCharlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.