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Teen rhinoplasty surgeons in Charlotte NC shares considerations for a teenage nose job

Teen rhinoplasty surgeons in Charlotte NC shares considerations for a teenage nose job

Teen rhinoplasty surgeons make sure the procedure is safe and well-timed

Teen rhinoplasty surgeons in Charlotte NC help teenagers deal with insecurity issues about their noses. The surgeons make sure that the procedures are practical and help better the functionality of the procedures for an effective image.

Teenagers are self-conscious about their images, and with most of the bullying that happens at school, they may need a nose job urgently. However, the process is not as easy as it sounds; so many details have to come together to term a teenager as the perfect candidate for rhinoplasty procedures.

Here are some considerations that surgeons make before teenagers receive the nose job surgery

Nose surgeries are only effective when done on teenagers who have stopped growing. Unfortunately, the age at which one stops growing varies from one teenager to another, so the surgeon has to evaluate whether the patient is ready for surgery.

The evaluation is methodological to make sure that the effect of the nose job procedure is visible. The preparation can start after they are confirmed to be anatomically ready for the nose job surgery.

Communication and Collaboration
Teenagers need to understand what the whole procedure entails and how it affects their lives. Therefore, the surgeon must have an open and candid conversation with the teenagers about the entire procedure. Their talk should prepare them for the surgery and recovery, easing their expectations and familiarizing them with steps they need to take for perfect results.

The surgeon also communicates with the parents and informs them of the procedure and treatment process. The teenager should comfortably communicate their needs to offer the surgeon a complete picture of what to do.

Teens are often confident about themselves, depending on what people say. A bumpy or large nose can affect their self-esteem, but the surgery will help them regain confidence.

The procedure focuses on corrective action to offer a better-looking and functional nose. In the end, the teen will look better and will gain the self-confidence to take on life.

Summer is the best time for teenagers to have a nose job. During this time of the year, the temperatures are great, meaning the chances of a cold are low, and the teenagers are on break from school activities. Timing the nose job during such a break allows the teen to heal before they resume school activities.

#1 teen rhinoplasty surgeons in Charlotte NC
Teen nose jobs can help patient regain their self-confidence, so surgeons consider the above facts before the procedure. Then, work with the best teen rhinoplasty surgeon in Charlotte for the best results.

Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only FacesCharlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.