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Teenage rhinoplasty in Charlotte NC

Teenage rhinoplasty in Charlotte NC

Teenage rhinoplasty is one of the most common surgical procedure in Charlotte. It is a surgical procedure designed to improve the functionality and appearance of the nose in adolescent boys and girls. Self- esteem is crucial during teenage years, prominent or a large hump can be a source of discomfort and can lead to embarrassment or teasing from peers.


The procedure helps improve aesthetic concerns that are causing the face to look unbalanced, but it can also address structural issues that affect proper breathing function. Thousands of teenagers in North Carolina undergo rhinoplasty surgery every year. Dr. Freeman, a renowned surgeon, explains a few vital information if you are considering having the surgery in Charlotte.


Reasons for getting plastic surgery as a teenager

It is common for teenagers to experience emotional distress or low self-confidence as a result of peer pressure. Many teenagers become sensitive to their physical appearance, especially their face, nose, and mouth. Some tend to improve their confidence by enhancing their appearance. There are other reasons for getting a nose job. We divide it into two different parts:

  • Reconstructive purposes
  • Cosmetic and aesthetic purposes


Reconstructive purposes

Some children are born with pediatric nasal deformities like cleft lip, and nasal rigidity while some get into traumatic situations like accidents, and diseases. These cases often affect their appearance, thus often lowering their confidence and affect their dignity. At this stage, children are often traumatized, embarrassed, and often bow to peer pressure and bullies, which can lead to depression and stress.


Reconstructive surgery offers teens to correct these abnormalities and give them the chance to enhance their appearance by fixing the defect parts. Dr. Freeman’s patients usually describe their operations as a life-changing and emotional experience. Rhinoplasty surgery is a good option for teenagers, especially in reconstructive procedures.


Cosmetic and aesthetic

Teenagers may be concerned and affected by comments of fellow teenagers or want to follow the latest trends. Some teenagers may not like the size or shape of their nose, and some might want it sharper. Teenagers want to have a good look. Unfortunately, we understand their frustration because they have made fun of their noses. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) reported that 70% of teenage rhinoplasty surgery is due to bullying. Bullying can have long-term negative on victims even long into adulthood.


The right age for a teenage rhinoplasty

If you are a teen and have decided that rhinoplasty is right for you, it’s important to know that rhinoplasty can only be done when face development is complete. Maturity for girls usually occurs between the ages of 15 to 16 while it can be a little slower for boys. Boys’ noses are often fully developed by 17 to 18. Rhinoplasty surgery can also be considered at an earlier age for patients suffering from a severe deformity that causes difficulty with breathing.


Teenage rhinoplasty surgeon in Charlotte NC

If you are considering teenage rhinoplasty, your first step is to consult a rhinoplasty surgeon. Luckily Dr. Freeman is Charlotte’s most experienced facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Freeman has years of practice, education, and training in performing plastic surgeries like facelifts, eyelid, and eyebrow lift, forehead lift, endoscopic brow lift, teenage rhinoplasty.Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon to find which the best procedure for you is, and how to proceed.