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What should I know about Charlotte NC rhinoplasty?

What should I know about Charlotte NC rhinoplasty?

Is a nose job the same as rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty surgery exists as a surgical approach that modifies the shape of the nose.

The stimulus for a plastic surgeon in Charlotte NC to execute rhinoplasty may arrive from a patient wanting to modify their appearance, enhance nasal breathing, or both.


The upper part of the nose is made of bone and the lower part of cartilage. Rhinoplasty operations may alter the bone, cartilage, and skin. Talk to Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon to determine if rhinoplasty is appropriate for you and see what can be expected.



Are there risks with rhinoplasty in Charlotte NC?

Rhinoplasty changes the size, shape, and proportions of the nose. It can remove deformations, correct congenital defects, enhance breathing, or improve the aesthetic look.


However, there are some risks like with any regular kind of facial plastic surgery.


  • Bleeding or Infection
  • Anesthesia allergic reactions
  • Breathing difficulties primarily through the nose
  • Permanent numbness in nasal regions
  • Uneven appearance once surgery and swelling subsides
  • Scarring and perforated septum


Dr. Freeman is double board-certified, very experienced, and people come to him for surgery to rectify prior failed operations that leave them with some of these issues.


Are you preparing for rhinoplasty in Charlotte NC?

Before scheduling a rhinoplasty procedure, you will need to meet your surgeon for an initial consultation. This meeting will include:


An essential question is regarding the incentive for rhinoplasty surgery and what you anticipate. The doctor asks about medical history, and if there have been prior surgeries or medications, you are taking. Not all people are appropriate applicants for this surgery.



Following rhinoplasty in Charlotte NC

You need a lot of rest after surgery. You should raise your head higher than your chest as this reduces bleeding and swelling. For a few days after the operation, you may have bleeding and mucus drainage.


Internal dressings can remain in place for up to a week after surgery, and you can have a splint taped to your nose for additional support.


  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Take baths instead of showers
  • Avoid constipation by eating high-fiber foods.
  • Avoid facial expressions such as l
  • Brush teeth gently



Speak to Charlotte’s most experienced facial plastic surgeon

Dr. Freeman is the most recognized facial plastic surgeon in the region. He’s practiced facial plastic surgery since 1988, and it is what he specializes in. Rhinoplast surgery is one of his specialties and has performed thousands of successful procedures.


Being double board-certified, no one can match the attention to detail, and the results he can achieve. If you are considering rhinoplasty, contact Dr. Freeman for your no-obligation first consultation. You will find out if you are suitable, and you can quickly get the ball rolling.

Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only FacesCharlotte’s most experienced rhinoplast surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.